Call Auto Claim Specialists toll-free at 800-736-6816. We are a National Public Insurance Adjuster Agency.

2014 Jaguar XJPosted November 24, 2018

Our client was rear-ended, the at-fault party had Geico Insurance. Our client had USAA Insurance. Our client filed the claim originally thru Geico. Geico delayed accepting liability. Our client filed the claim with USAA.  USAA deemed the 2014 Jaguar XJ a Total Loss and offered her a settlement of $27,613.00. Our client wanted her Jaguar returned to its OEM pre-collision condition. We reached out to our subsidiary Vehicle Value Experts for an Actual Cash Value Appraisal. Vehicle Value Experts noted the Jaguar could safely be returned to its pre-collision OEM condition. Upon USAA management being presented with the Vehicle Value Experts Certified Actual Cash Value Appraisal for $34,900.00 and the Vehicle Value Experts recommendation to repair the Jaguar. USAA agreed to repair and return our clients Jaguar back to its OEM pre-collision condition.

The Final Agreed OEM Blueprint Repair Plan was $22,143.13.